Minerva Vision Care

Centri convenzionati 96100 Siracusa — Italia (IT)
    [address] => Minerva Vision Care, Via della Addolorata, Siracusa, SR, Italia
    [lat] => 37.0853951
    [lng] => 15.2936241
    [zoom] => 14
    [place_id] => ChIJwbRyv3t61GoRH8DQyLaKm2c
    [name] => Minerva Vision Care
    [street_number] => 10
    [street_name] => Via della Addolorata
    [city] => Siracusa
    [state] => Sicilia
    [state_short] => SR
    [post_code] => 96100
    [country] => Italia
    [country_short] => IT
Minerva Vision Care

Minerva Vision Care is a state-of-the-art center in Syracuse and Sicily for the evaluation, enhancement, recovery and maintenance of visual abilities. With this in mind, the center offers rehabilitation sessions and evaluation protocols through AvDesk to study and improve the efficiency of eye movements.

Minerva Vision Care is the only center in Sicily to offer this system, which is designed primarily for patients with visual field limitations but can find application in a variety of cases, even for simply achieving the best visual performance in healthy subjects.

The sessions are run exclusively by Linari Medical Qualified Therapists: the staff of Minerva Vision Care are experts in the field of vision and combine their profession with constant training and research and the promotion of the Orthoptics profession, including through representative positions with the Syracuse Order of Technical, Rehabilitation and Prevention Health Professions.

Contact Minerva Vision Care

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