S.M. Medical Center

Centri convenzionati 47891 Falciano — San Marino (SM)
    [address] => Centromedico sm, Via Lorenzo Tabellione, Falciano, San Marino
    [lat] => 43.9899846
    [lng] => 12.5071849
    [zoom] => 14
    [place_id] => ChIJ6ZsDwfHrLBMRAhaLF4GCvp4
    [name] => Centromedico sm
    [street_number] => 1
    [street_name] => Via Lorenzo Tabellione
    [city] => Falciano
    [post_code] => 47891
    [country] => San Marino
    [country_short] => SM
Logo Centro Medico SM

The S.M. Medical Center offers a wide range of health care services with the goal of restoring the health and well-being of patients while respecting each person’s medical history.

Among the services are those focused on visual rehabilitation:

  • Orthoptics: visual rehabilitation for disorders such as strabismus and amblyopia.
  • Ophthalmology: diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology: treatment of eye problems in children.

The facility ensures a complete and innovative therapeutic pathway, enriched by the experience and professionalism of specialists such as Dr. Stefano Volanti (ophthalmology) and Dr. Alessandra Renganeschi (pediatric ophthalmology), qualified Linari Medical therapists who are able to administer AvDesk therapies in children and adults suffering from visual field disorders.

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