Dott.ssa Francesca Colombo

Francesca Colombo

Dr. Colombo is a certified Linari Medical therapist and qualified to provide AvDesk therapies in children and adults with visual field disorders.

Francesca Colombo, orthoptist and Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, is a graduate of the University of Turin.

She is involved in orthoptic evaluations and rehabilitations in children and adults and in ophthalmic care, assisting the ophthalmologist in carrying out eye examinations and instrumental semeiotics examinations. She also deals with visual rehabilitation in dyslexia and dyspraxia and has obtained the title of Expert Tutor in DSA and BES recognized by Miur (Ministry of Education and Merit).

As a qualified therapist, Dr. Colombo offers the opportunity to have therapy in the comfort of your home by following you remotely, depending on your preferences.

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