Dr. Floriana Ferranti

Dottoressa Floriana Ferranti ortottista

Dr. Floriana Ferranti has a degree in Orthoptics and Ophthalmic Care from the University of Palermo; she specialized at the same University in Health Professions of Rehabilitation Sciences.

She is involved in orthoptic evaluations in children and adults, instrumental imaging and scientific research in the field of neuro-ophthalmology.

He has collaborated with the Center for Low Vision and Visual Rehabilitation in Palermo and Brescia as an adult visual rehabilitator, at the Center for Low Vision and Visual Rehabilitation in Catania as a child visual rehabilitator, with numerous techniques and strategies, and at the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB Italy).

Author of scientific and popular articles; speaker at national and international congresses.

He practices at the Ospedale Maggiore in Lodi.
Currently offers the possibility of performing remote rehabilitation.

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