Dr.ssa Roberta Murolo

Dottoressa Roberta Murolo

Dr. Roberta Murolo holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychological Science and Techniques with a subsequent master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli“.

Presently PhD student in Life Sciences – “Doctorate of National Interest in Public Administration and Innovation for Disability and Social Inclusion” at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli,” Department of Mental and Physical Health and Preventive Medicine.

Dr. Murolo is Linari Medical certified therapist and qualified to administer AvDesk treatments in children and adults with visual field disorders, offering the option of undergoing therapy in Naples or at your home while following you remotely.

Dr.ssa Roberta Murolo riceve a:
  • Centri convenzionati Napoli — Italia (IT)

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