AvDesk4: innovation in neuro-visual rehabilitation with European Union funding – NextGenerationEU

Linari Medical is proud to announce the AvDesk4 project, an EU-funded initiative under the NRRP – Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5.

Logotipi progetto AvDesk4

Main objective

At the heart of this initiative is the AvDesk medical device, which uses artificial intelligence to improve the diagnosis and treatment of neuro-visual disorders.

The goal of the project is to make the device more performant, intuitive, and compact, optimizing hardware and software to facilitate its use in rehabilitation pathways and adding a new acoustic AI system for patient speech analysis.

The project aims to develop, integrate, and validate advanced digital technologies for neuro-visual rehabilitation in telemedicine, enabling innovative treatments both from home, hospitals and in rehabilitation centers.

The project is located within Mission 4 “Education and Research” – Component 2 from Research to Enterprise – Investment 1.5 “Creating and Strengthening THE Ecosystem – Tuscany Health Ecosystem.”

A project of excellence

AvDesk4 will be implemented in collaboration with the University of Florence, with financial support from the European Union through the NextGenerationEU program.

The project, in line with developing digital technologies for neuro-visual rehabilitation, aims to improve AvDesk.

Linari Medical manufactures and commercializes the device under license from an international patent granted by Linari Engineering, which is responsible for its ongoing technological development.

AvDesk uses multisensory stimulation to activate multisensory neurons in patients with neuro-visual damage caused by stroke, head trauma, and brain tumors.

Thanks to this initiative, Linari Medical continues to bring innovation to telemedicine, improving access to rehabilitation for patients with neuro-visual disorders.

Project details

Mission: M4 – “Education and Research”

Component: M4C2 – “From research to enterprise”

Investment: 1.5 – “Creating and strengthening THE ecosystem – Tuscany Health Ecosystem”

Holder: University of Florence

CUP: B83C22003920001

Finanziato dall'Unione europea - NextGenerationEU