National Annual Conference AMGO – September 15-16, 2023
The sixth AMGO – UICI National Conference, titled “From Prevention to Visual Rehabilitation: pathways, networks and opportunities” will be held in Cagliari, Italy, on September 15-16, 2023.

The conference, organized by the Institute for the Blind “Francesco Cavazza” in Bologna, in collaboration with the Italian Federation of the Blind and Visually Impaired and under the auspices of IAPB Italia ONLUS (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness), aims to provide an opportunity for discussion and reflection on the topic of vision prevention and rehabilitation.
The conference will be attended by professionals from all over Italy. The theme of the now traditional training and discussion event is “From prevention to visual rehabilitation: pathways, networks and opportunities“.
The program will include plenary sessions and practical courses on functional rehabilitation of visually impaired adults and visual skills assessment in preschool age.
On Friday, September 15, we report on the presentation by pediatric neuropsychiatrist Francesca Tinelli of IRCCS Pisa, titled “Hemianopsia, neglect, neurodegenerative diseases: Visual rehabilitation with restorative and compensatory techniques“.
Among the main topics covered in the working tables on Saturday, September 16:
- the need for vision prevention: comparing numbers and experiences
- telemedicine today
- artificial intelligence: state of the art and relevant regulations
- the telerehabilitation benefit

Participation in the 2023 edition of AMGO includes the issuance of 15 CME credits, usable as indicated by the organizers.
Full details and the program are available on the official event website.
inari Medical will also be present at the congress as a sponsor; it will be an opportunity to meet us and try live AvDesk, iour device for neurovisual evaluation and rehabilitation.
We look forward to seeing you in Cagliari on September 15 and 16, 2023 at the Regina Margherita Hotel.